Sunday, December 21, 2008

New baby, new blog (new URL, too)

Okay, okay, I know…it's been a while since I've posted here. I guess BabyCar and I got caught up in the last minute baby prep stuff which, as you might expect, was followed by the "holy crap, we have a baby now" stuff.

Which leads me to this closing post, which I'm really eager to write so that I can shut this thing down and introduce you to my new (and much more exciting) blog. Pregnancy was a mess. It was miserable at its worst and hilarious at its best.

It was rarely anything in between.

Needless to say, we were plenty glad to put it behind us.

But you can't argue with results. After nine months of baby building and just under 30 hours of labor, we had the most beautiful little girl in the world (Babe-O, to you).

I'll spare you the details and just give you the two truths that I learned during the ordeal: (1) drugs are every bit as good as they're cracked up to be; and (2) in a labor/delivery room, I'm pretty much just a waste of oxygen.

Anyway, Babe-O was 7 lbs, 2 oz and was born with thick black hair and a better tan that I've ever had in my life. She was born on September 2, which at the time of this writing makes her just over three and a half months old.

This little girl is absolutely amazing and I hope you get to know her little by little through the new blog, which you can visit at

This "What are you doing in my wife?" blog will stay here for posterity.

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